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tv   Good Morning Washington at 600  ABC  September 18, 2012 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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>> problem welcome to the hollywood walk of fame, rascal flatts. >> there start officially now on the hollywood walk of fame. the unveiling took place yesterday with a few hundred fans gathering to cheer on the trio. another hour of news starts right now at 6:00 a.m.. captioned by the national captioning institute >> the romney campaign scrambles to control the fallout from a secret the record a video of controversial remarks. his response. >> and we will find out if the judge rules in the war will couple's favor over the new photos of the duchess of cambridge. >> and why some annapolis cadets are dancing. the morning, everyone. i'm pamela brown in 4 cynne simpson. >> i'm steve chenevey on storm watch. let's get right back to jacqui jeras.
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>> we don't have any storms now, just rain, but it will change this afternoon. a few of the storms could be severe. that is the concern and that is what you have to keep in mind right now. bahrain is relatively light. some moderate showers but it has been really steady to our west. we have seen as much as an inch of rain there. in the district, only about a 10th of an inch. right now cloudy skies and temperatures at 72 degrees. there is a heavy rain potential -- some urban flooding possible this afternoon and evening. don't drive through it. the storm this afternoon could become severe. damaging winds and isolated tornadoes will be possible. a pretty quick moving system, better weather moving in for your wednesday -- try to say that fast 3 times. but we do see cooler temperatures and the forecast as well. rain and thunderstorms, 73 at
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9:00, 76 with a few thunderstorms developing by noon and strong storms by 5:00 and 79 degrees. we will have your seven-day forecast coming up in a minute but first, let's check on the wet roads. >> problems on the maryland the beltway -- just up ahead, around a curve before you get to the excess to 355 just two greens to the right get by. a lot of fire and rescue. the outer loop westbound prior to outerfor 270. it means everyone coming out of college park, please silver spring and bethesda, the early days and they will extend past new hampshire avenue and university boulevard. 95, not too much to tell you about. 270, so one stretch through urbana and highet's town -- watch for delays to the truck scales and then for virginia,
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your belt well -- but we open. back to you. >> we begin this morning on the campaign trail. mitt romney is making no apologies to comments he made to what the campaign donors caught on video. >> while romney's can't unscramble the obama campaign tried to take advantage of the latest misstep. brianne carter with more on what is happening. >> the morning to you. we are outside of the why house really the focus this week for the mitt romney campaign is supposed to be about policies, getting elected, about serving the next four years at the why house and instead they are now having to talk about this tape. this is the tape taking center stage for the mitt romney camping this morning. as the presidential poll tries to explain the comments made at a fund-raiser back in may. much of the images are obscure but in the video romney bang -- romney says there are a number of americans will vote for president obama no matter what.
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late monday night, romney saidof course, individuals are going to take responsibility for their life and my campaign is about helping the baltimore responsibility and becoming employed again. >> president barack obama's campaign manager said in a statement -- while speaking about this, mitt romney requesting the entire section of remark to be released, not just these clips. he said he was giving this response to questions that were being asked. he said it is only fair the questions be heard as well. reporting live outside the why house, brianne carter, abc7 is. >> romney's running mate returns
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to battleground virginia this week where he is expected to speak to christopher newport university in newport news tonight and then visit a factory in danville tomorrow. he has already made several stops in the commonwealth after becoming the choice for vice president. >> vice president joe biden spent another day campaigning in the battleground state of iowa and very. president obama won iowa in 2008. >> and afghan militant islamic group said it carried out a suicide attack at the couple airport to protest the film about the profit mohammed. if you know so was i. palmer ran a small sedan filled with explosives into a minibus carrying at least nine people -- it is believed to have an aviation workers to the airport. >> the jury returns to the montgomery county court house today to pick up deliberations for a local veteran back on trial for the murder of his roommate was also and iraq were
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better than 3 john gonzalez lie in rockville with more. >> gary smith, who it minutes to killing his roommate -- on trial for murder for a second time. >> the case of the two former army rangers sharing an apartment in gaithersburg, recently on for war. 29-year-old sergeant gary smith initially told police an intruder came into the home and fatally shot 22-year-old michael mcclain. the story would later changed as was side. >> my brother's life was taken and no verdict nothing can change that. >> smith was convicted in 2008 but the verdict overturned on a technicality. >> he was funny smart, planning on going to college. he had everything in front of him. >> no clear evidence of the two had an argument or fight that september 9 but twice the prosecution played a video from inside a police interrogation room where you could supposedly hear some if praying and
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admitting to the crime. part of the reason why court of appeals judge called for a retired -- retrial there was a minute testimony by police officers describing smith's state of mind after the death. >> john, thank you for best. marks 10 years since the d.c. sniper attacks. they killed 10 people during a three-year crime spree in -- three-week crime spree in october of 2002. former montgomery county police chief charles moose was the public face of the investigation and he will join us in the studio. >> in the meantime, a man accusing a security guard at the family research council is expected in court. they say he walked into the conservative lobbying groups building was month and shot the guard in the arm. prosecutors say before he fired he said he did not like the group's politics.
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police say they have a man wanted in connection with a deadly double shooting in capitol heights. michael stewart was arrested, police believe he got into the conversation with britain need mckinley at a nightclub to work and she was later found shot to death in a vehicle. another woman was shot as she is expected to be ok. >> 69 degrees. kind of steamy. still ahead, a key redskins defender has surgery today. >> tough times for defense. and what caused a
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>> we are from taste of d.c., to
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pennsylvania avenue, for more information visit good morning washington. >> tell me about it. i think it is safe to say what you are going to see is not something you see every day. >> in florida a whole opening up and the highway and swallowing a tractor that was pulling a malware. officials say it was the weight of the haul was caused it to sink. fortunately no injuries but the road will be closed for some time until they can make repairs. >> the roads and our area were kind of soggy. >> it is went out there. >> but it will be worse for the drive home. in the meantime, just looking at spotty showers, most of to the west. but watch for it to phil and throughout the day. the rain will pick up in intensity and we will have flooding issues.
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looking at the big picture it shows up where the action is coming from, all from the south. a constant stream of moisture pushing in today. this is really going to pick up into stronger storms this afternoon. there is a slight risk of these storms will become severe and the damaging winds will be our biggest concern, but you can't rule out an isolated tornadoes. we are not alone. the trouble forecast showing showers and thunderstorms up and down the east coast. philadelphia, new york city, raleigh, even into atlanta. go ahead and plan ahead if you are traveling. some severe thunderstorms later on today. 76-81. >> you just have to plan for the extra time any time we have rain mixed with the traffic. on the outer loop of the beltway, jam out of silver spring and toward 270, the accident after connecticut avenue -- two red lines get by.
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delays coming past colesville road. coming around 95, heading out any time soon, plan for the heavy delay and for the volume in joining in to the beltway slowdown. >> 6:13 a.m. this tuesday morning and already almost 70 degrees. >> owe will have to wait a li
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>> welcome back. 6:15 a.m. this tuesday. this morning new details about last tuesday's deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in libya. a freelance photographer said he shot a video of the libyans caring the ambassador chris stevens to a car after the attack in the gaza. the state department is still trying to piece together details
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of the attack that killed him and three americans and officials are also trying to find out who is behind the attack. in news around the world -- protest against an anti-islam film produced in the u.s. are spreading. hundreds of indonesians' gathered outside the u.s. consulate in the countries third largest city. they burned tires and the american flag. people hurled rocks and molotov cocktails at the embassy in jakarta during a protest. >> it is be the intensifying between china and japan over a chain of islands in east tennessee with -- which both countries claim. in hong kong protester shot and burned japanese emblems and in eastern china about 100 protesters rallied upset by the recent move by the japanese government to purchase some of the islands from the private owner. defense secretary leon panetta in beijing to discuss bilateral cooperation with china and regional security. he met with china's defense minister this morning. the session touched on a wide
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range of issues as the u.s. and tried to try to find a way to improve their military relationship. the united states has been critical of china due to its lack of transparency. defense secretary leon panetta says he is concerned about the impact insider attacks are having on u.s. and nato forces in afghanistan. so far this year, 51 international troops were killed by afghan forces on militants wearing their uniforms. nato is scaling back operations with afghan forces to try to reduce the risk of insider attacks. >> 7 on your side with new concerns about heavy drinking among service members. an institute of medicine report substance reports among troops and families has become a public health crisis and pentagon methods for dealing with that are out of date. the report says about 20% were engaged in heavy drinking in 2008 in drinking increase from 35%-47% from 1998-2008 and the script and drug abuse is on the rise. a big celebration about to give
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away in honor of 175 local world war ii veterans, who will be saluted for their bravery and contributions to our freedoms. at a special ceremony -- the oldest is 105 years old. we spoke to a special veterans, 97-years young, who fought in the battle of the bulge. here is amazing story at 5:00. >> striking teachers in chicago with another chance to approve a tentative agreement. the vote is planned for the afternoon meeting. the strike is and its second week and has kept about 350,000 students out of class. they have been hammering out details about teacher evaluations, pay, job security, and other issues. >> should be business as usual at louisiana state univ. baton rouge campus -- it were told to leave the university of the someone phoned in a phone threat. a search each building on campus but did not find any explosives. >> today as one of those days
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where you can warn people enough about what could happen. >> absolutely. the umbrella is a must today and your severe weather plan is a must today because the storms could get nasty late this afternoon and we could see some damaging winds, potential power outages even. it is pretty calm out there right now. cloudy skies. temperatures in the upper 60's to the low was 70's and we will stay in the warm sector throughout most of the day today. we did have some rain overnight and a. most of been in the shenandoah valley and westward and that is where we have seen as much as an inch of rain around of the cumberland area, only a 10th of an inch and reagan national, and that was before midnight. you take a look at the picture but big -- the picture we are watching. showers and thundershowers have been causing flooding in the southeast and it is heading into our neighborhood along with a cold front, and that will make things unstable this afternoon and why the summit -- thunderstorms could reach severe levels. our big concerns -- wind has the
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highest potential isolated tornadoes are possible, and we could also see some flash flooding. the rainfall will be headed -- heavy at times. ranging between 1-2 inches of rain in the next 24 hours. that is a lot and it could stand in the street. don't drive through it. cloudy skies for today with showers and thunderstorms. sums of their potentially. 76-81. at 4 tonight, the storms will be ending before midnight, dropping down to 62-68. >> any time we have weather like this, factor in the extra time for sure. and we have incident -- here we go, definitely going to slow as, outer loop westbound crash around the curve connecticut avenue before 270. some progress is being made, though. just one left lane blocked. it has been with us over 30 minutes. look at this back up. this is 193 university boulevard. delays from 95 over to 270
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jammed with this crash blocking one lane. >> thanks so much, jamie. apple shares at an all-time high monday. not a big surprise, i guess. it closed just under $700 thanks for blockbuster advance sales for the iphone 5. the iphone five hits stores on friday but people have already started lining up outside of the apple store in new york. >> been there for three days already. gas bytes while will bring spirals and mcdonald's reveals when an old man and i will be back. -- when an old menu item will be back. >> a new read on spiraling gas prices. the and the department says the average is $3.88 a gallon. there are questions as to why crude oil prices plunged $3 and less than a minute in new york trading yesterday. the fed has an answer to high unemployment -- confidence. a new portable reserve study says the jobless rate would be
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about 7% of consumers have less doubt about the economy and spend more. more and more americans are sick and tired of telemarketers who hound them despite being "do not the call was " list. the biggest complaint bros recorded robo calls. mcdonald is delaying the appearance of mcrib from mid october to december as it tries to boost year-end sales. the jolly green giant is being resurrected for an ad campaign, asking kids to eat at least one vegetable day.
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anncr: their dishonest ads are everywhere. a west virginia casino spending a fortune... top question seven. they don't want competition. the washington post wrote the casino behind the ads is. "most concerned with its own bottom line." and the baltime sun says it "doesn't have maryland... taxpayers' interests at heart." so when you see these ads remember... they're about what's good for west virginia's casino... not maryland. vote for maryland jobs and schools. vote for question seven. [ chirps ] ♪ ♪ [ chirping ] [ chirping ] ♪ ♪ [ chirping ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] audi a4 drivers have spoken. [ engine revs ] and they ranked tha4 highest in total quality index in its class. [ chirps ] ♪ ♪
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>> the redskins have to shuffle their roster of injury sidelined two defensive players. defensive end adam carriker tore his quad muscle and pro bowl linebacker -- linebacker brian orakpo facing surgery after tearing his pectoral muscle. orakpo had surgery on the same left shoulder after suffering a similar injury in the final game of last season. >> redskin receivers josh morgan to talk with 300 students about creating and maintaining a winning game plan for life. you can bet he will face a few questions about the unsportsmanlike penalty in sunday puzzle game that cost critical yards. >> peyton manning's come back suffering a bit of a setback --
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just the second game, he threw three interceptions and the falcons to a good vantage and had a big lean but they have to hold on because -- as pay and manning try to internet a comeback. atlanta's ryan threw his 100th touchdown and career. the net still hold a 5 game lead over the -- with the 16 games to play. some of the games are at hold. it is jordan zimmerman on the route -- mountain night for the nationals. good luck to them. the u.s. naval academy getting into the spirit, the latest to join the gagnam style craze. >> de lips sink and dance to -- they lip synced and danced. >> ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪
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>> i think a great thing about this is they take it throughout the entire naval academy grounds. >> and who doesn't like men in uniform dancing? >> still another half hour of "good morning washington" coming your way. >> we are on storm watch. jacqui jeras will be back to tell us.
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>> straight ahead at 6:30 a.m., mitt romney scrambles. >> let me put it that way -- i speaking of the cupp in response to a question i am sure i could stated more clearly and in a more effective way. >> mitt romney scrambles but doesn't apologize for, as recorded by a secret camera. >> we are looking back at the d.c. sniper attack and it has not been 10 years. we will talk to one of the key figures. it is tuesday, september 18. i'm steve chenevey. >> and pamela brown. we are on storm watch as a big system moves to the area. let's go straight to jacqui jeras in the weather center. >> we have some light rain right now but thunderstorms arrive this afternoon and a few could be severe. we are recording a light rain or mist that reagan national airport. as you can see on the doppler radar, most of the steady rain is a long 81 and westward, and we have seen as much as an inch
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of rain in this area. our headlines for today -- the rain developing will be heavy at times. there could be some flash flooding on the street. severe storms expected this afternoon, producing damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. better weather arrives on wednesday. this time tomorrow, much, much better. it will be a stormy day with highs in the upper 70's. let's check on traffic with the wet roads. >> 395 pass landmark king street, the heavier stretch, but we have extreme delays interstate 95 va northbound past route 3, still bumper-to- bumper to route 17 falmouth -- two separate accidents but finally cleared. what to get through there another accident in dale city which they just moved to the shoulder. northbound 95 prior to the prince william parkway. we do have some better news maryland beltway -- outer loop
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leaving bethesda toward 270, the accident is gone but you can see here this is where we start the delays before new hampshire avenue and i. 95 college park, the solid lineup taking you pass connecticut avenue and closer you get to 270, the better the pace will be. pamela steve, back to you. >> as we have been the campaign trail, republican presidential nominee mitt romney doing damage control after secretly recorded video of controversial remarks went public. brianne carter is outside the why house with details on the latest blow to the mock -- campaigned and reaction from the other side. >> this morning we are just learning about all of this -- the remarks that romney gave in response to all of this, saying it was taken and little bit out of context and they -- they were off the cuff. -- comes from a behind closed- door fund report. in the video romney says 47% of obama supporters are dependent
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on the government, saying bay are entitled to health care to housing. the vide an left- leaning magazine mother jones. romney made no apologies instead tryingsaying the comments were not elegantly stated but off the cuff. voters in our area now reacting. >> mother jones is an interesting place to get an unbiased news source. >> it goes to show how out of touch he is with mainstream america and working-class families. >> while talking about all of this and explaining this, mitt romney said late lastt he would like his entire remarks to be released and this was just in clips. he said he was making these comments in regard to questions that were being asked during this fund raiser and so he says all of this should be made public. meanwhile, the obama campaign, a spokesperson for the campaign calling all of this shocking. but -- reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 is. >> the republican and democratic vice-presidential nominees will
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be on the campaign trail and key battleground states as paul ryan had to virginia, speaking at christopher newport university in newport news and at a danville factory tamara. vice-president joe biden in the meantime will spend another day in iowa. he went after mitt romney during two stops there yesterday. >> montgomery county jury resumes deliberations today in the trial of a former army ranger charged with killing his roommate who is also a war veteran. john gonzalez is like in rock hill with more on this case. >> this retrial has been going on for three weeks. the jury began deliberations yesterday, meeting behind closed doors for hours, but still no conclusion. this is the case of two army rangers sharing an apartment in gaithersburg, maryland, six years ago, both recently returned from the war. 29 as your old sergeant gary smith initially told police and a cheater came into the home and
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shot and killed his 22-year old friend mike mcqueen. then the story changed later to subside. smith admits to throwing the gun and the like. he is now charged with murder for a second time. he was actually convicted in 2008 but the verdict was overturned on a technicality. no clear evidence the two had a fight but prosecution has shown a video from inside a police interrogation room where you could supposedly here smith preying and admitting to the crime. part of the reason why the court of appeals judge wanted a retrial was omitted testimony by a police officer describing smith's state of mind after the death. reporting live, john g abc 7 news. >> this just in -- a judge in france has ruled that the magazine have to turn over the topless photos of kate middleton within 24 hours, this was the french magazine which was the
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first to publish 16 photos of kate middleton. it does not however, affect the irish and italian magazines which published more photos subsequently. but that case is still open right now but a judge has just ruled that the first publication, the french magazine must cease to publish the photos and hand them over to authorities. man mar pro-democracy leader aung san suu kyi will officially kick off for -- kick off her visit to the united states. she will receive the congressional gold medal during her visit to d.c. the nobel peace prize winner and parliamentarians it -- proletarian will visit new york, the midwest, and california. for the first time on american television we are hearing from the former boyfriend of amanda knox. >> his new book is being released today. he is set to appear on the katie couric show today to talk about the murder case, his life after prison and his reunion with kno
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x. you can get to the 4:00 right here. >> still ahead -- looking back of the lessons learned from the d.c. sniper attacks, which were 10 years ago. >> but up next, giving your kids to eat more fruits and at bank of america, we're continuing to lend and invest in the people, businesses, and organizations that call greater washington home. whether it's funding an organization that provides new citizens with job training, working with an anacostia school that promotes academic excellence or supporting an organization that serves 5,000 meals a day across d.c., what's important to the people of greater washington is important to us, and we're proud to work with all those who are making our communities stronger.
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>> russian scientists say a vast diamond field beneath a crater in siberia could revolutionize the industry. soviet scientists discovered the deposit back in the 1970's but it was kept secret until now. they say the crater contains trillions of carrots of so- called in back diamonds which are good for technological purposes but not for jewelry. getting kids to eat their fruits and vegetables is sometimes a tough task. >> but the solution can be easy and inexpensive. a new study says renaming fruits and vegetables with -- fruits and vegetables with catchy attractive names could help them keep them. children are more likely to eat x-ray vision and the x-ray vision carrots and power punch broccoli other than the food of the day. >> it is all about the spin. absolutely. candy cantaloupe.
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i wish i could say something to make the forecast a little more sweet. the rain has already started and unfortunately we could see severe storms later on this afternoon. for more, we would go to chief meteorologist doug hill. >> it is so much warmer than it was this time yesterday. let's check the doppler radar. most of it continues along the blue ridge, but it will kind of creep eastward. the threat of more heavy rain and possibly severe weather increases. low pressure area developing ahead of a cold front, working together to bring showers and storms and there is the potential that some could be heavy to severe. it shows even though heavy rain is in the forecast, it is the wind damage that could be a bigger story and also at risk of a few isolated tornadoes. short and sweet forecast -- cloudy in mild with showers and thunder storms developing, 76- 81. windy out of the south. some of the gusts could reach
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over 50 miles an hour. we will find out how you are getting along this tuesday morning. jamie, what's up? >> any time the rain is mixed with the commute, extra time is needed. part of the reasons for this big back up is because of the crash in bethesda. here we go one 270 southbound, extremely slow passing father hurley boulevard. we will go back and forth but the camera so you can see what we have. college park past connecticut for the accident, gone. va on 395 as you leave the belt way passing landmark, king street, slow. interstate 95, bunched up approaching 17, falmouth clash cleared and then dale city, northbound 95 prince william parkway to the shoulder -- and hang on the 395, this is pretty much our normal delay heading toward king st. pierre riffe. thank you so much. next month marks 10 years since the back a sniper attack. >> coming up we will talk to
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the former montgomery, the police chief on lessons learned. you are watching "good [ chirps ] ♪ ♪ [ chirping ] [ chirping ] ♪ ♪ [ chirping ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] audi a4 drivers have spoken. [ engine revs ] and they ranked the a4 highest in total quality index in its class. [ chirps ] ♪ ♪
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>> hard to believe that next month will march -- mark the 10th anniversary of the d.c. sniper attacks. for three weeks in october of 2002, john mohammad and lee malvo killed -- people. former police chief charles moose joins us now to talk about it. good to see you. >> the to see you. >> it is hard to believe it has been 10 years. does that seem like two years 10 years, or 20 years? >> it probably seems more like two years but i realize it has been 10 years and we all have to remember that for the victims, it is every day.
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it is something we can look back on that something they have to live with every day. >> you had a long career with law enforcement when this happened, and here as we got to know you and the d.c. area and after. have you to this day seen anything that created such a wide scale of terror as these attacks? >> no, certainly not anything that had so many people afraid. i think the benefit is they did bring a lot of people to govern. people talk to people that maybe they have not talked to for years. in that sense, i hope people continue to communicate with each other and realize how special each day is. >> speaking of talking, you will get a chance to talk to some of the folks you work with so closely. tonight you will be at a panel discussion with former police from prince william county, maryland state police. when you look back at what happened 10 years ago, how does it all plays out to you right now looking back? >> i think there are a couple of things. i hope it continues to give
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people confidence in their local, state, and federal law enforcement people, realizing that all those things are difficult, some crimes seem very strange, that those people come through and they work every day. and, two, people realize cooperation is the best way. things just work better when we work together. so, this investigation is an excellent example of state, local, and a national law enforcement people coming together communities coming together, school teachers coming together to provide extra support to students. so when we all work together to solve our problems we have a much greater chance to be successful. >> a perfect example of a case study that after the fact can be scrutinized, analyze used for policing of the future and how to handle this is a region. but at the time, it was unprecedented. when you look back, what do you learn from that, what would you have like to of the differently? >> one thing that is probably
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changed is the information available through technology. i think we use some technology cameras, running things and through computers, and i think probably now 10 years later the local law enforcement probably look at that and say we do it every day, why are they making such a big deal? projecting even 10 years from now the technology will be even better. i think we look at these things and we tried our best, we used what was available but i think the new technology today, there is more communication -- sending pictures immediately out to come -- police officers over the computer. everybody's got a computer, smartphone. using technology and the interface with agencies are one of the greatest lessons. >> we have come a long way in 10 years. ingrained in the minds of memories of the people here, chief moose, good to talk to you. the panel discussion tonight, we will be informational the website.
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it is free to attend but you must register in advance. enjoy your retirement. we will check in with the jacqui jeras. it is wet outside and we are expecting more. >> the rain will be on the increase. and the intensity of the storm's picking up this afternoon. in fact, severe weather in the forecast. meteorologist doug hill joins us now. what are we expecting? >> after 3:00 or so is one week was a chance to start to accelerate, severe weather over parts of the area. at the moment, kind of monkeys. temperatures ranging around 70's, low were 70's. 73 reported in the capital. the rain is along the west of the blue ridge. the yellow specks, a little heavier downpours. all come together as we work for -- through today. the greatest risk is heavy rain with the thunderstorms spawned -- but the combination will produce not only heavy rain but also some winds threats and even
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isolated tornadoes threats this afternoon. very strong winds will be developing a few thousand feet off the ground and some of the heavier winds can bring the storm gusts to the ground later today. the polls as far as the rainfall -- looking at a half an inch to about an inch and a half, a pretty good bet of what we will see before it wraps up. as far as the forecast for this tuesday, showers and thunderstorms becoming widespread. 76-81 -- and we will see a little improvement as we have later in the week. more on that in a few minutes. >> tuesday express is coming up next. >> we have a live roundup of today's top stories and what you need to know before walking out the door as we take this live look outside
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>> time for the tuesday express. >> a live roundup of the top stories. john gonzalez in rockville. >> the jury will continue deliberating today on the murder case of army veteran michael mcqueen. his roommate, a 29-year-old gary smith, also a former army sergeant is accused of shooting the queen and had six years ago in their apartment. smith was convicted back in 2008 but the verdict was overturned on a technicality. >> here outside the white house where mitt romney would like to
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spend the next four years and this morning he is defending, it made during a fund-raiser back in may. during that -- a tape was secretly made that has been recently released. in the video, romney said 47% of obama supporters -- the tent -- depend on the government. reacting governor romney says the comments were made off the cuff and they were not very elegantly stated. meanwhile, the obama campaign: the comments shocking. back to you guys in the studio. >> here is what you need to know before you leave this morning. >> bge want customers to prepare for the possibility of power outages as storms move into the air yet, expected to bring heavy rain and high winds. >> the the flashlight ready just in case. ddot holding a forum to discuss the circulator bus service, looking for feedback on strengths and weaknesses. >> a french court blocked a gossip magazine from publishing any more topless pictures of the duchess of cavers -- cambridge and they must hand over
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additional copies. >> for more information, visit and look for the tuesday expressed have. let's get your express forecast. >> a lot going on with the weather department today. >> the drive home will be one of the most critical part because people are going to be trying to travel and the storms could be severe. right now the rain is pushing in from the south and west. it is relatively light but steady west of the blue ridge. we have already seen an inch in one of the areas. it expressed forecast showing rain and thunderstorms at 9:00 73, it will be moving through the 70's through the day and later in the day, the greater the severe weather potential will be. damaging winds. we heard about the power outages, a possibility. you can see this live shot -- the wind blowing her hair around. 60 miles an hour with these severe thunderstorms. a quick moving system. this time tomorrow we could all wake up with smiles on our faces.
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midevening, it is really what we need to keep an eye on. then i think the shock of the radar may have been one of the more ominous ones with all of the green river no escaping. >> end bad hair days with all the humidity. i know, steve, how much you care for your hair. >> prepare for it and the power companies have already given a heads up so grab your flashlights and extra batteries just in case. that will do it for "good morning washington of." "good morning america" is coming up next. >> for continuing local news to into news channel 8.
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